Monday 15 April 2013

Poster Analysis of "Inception"

This is a movie poster for the movie Inception which was released on July 8th 2012. The poster does not give anything away abuot the plot of the movie which would immidiatly draw the audience in as they will awnt to know what the movie is about and this is further elongated by the fact that there are odd/crazy angles which could suggest someones mental state of being which would follow the usual conventions of a thriller movies as in a lot of them there are mind gamse which would want to drive the person insane. Also the idea that the whole poster is taken up by the main actors could make the audience assume that they are all equals or that they will all play a major part in the development of the plot. Also, the rims of the poster are almost completely black with bright line coming from the centre of the poster which could connote that happiness is just out of reach as it is obsucred by all of the buildings meanig that it would be hard to achieve and as the characters are all facing away from it could suggest that they are not after happiness or it is something that could be decieving.

We also have the title of the movie "Inception" near the bottom in capital red letters could be used to connote danger or that something in the protagonists plan will go awry We also have the fact that none of the characters are directly facing the audience which gives the movie a more serious tone and it, like the lack of plot giveaway makes the audience more curious as to what is happening.

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