Wednesday 17 April 2013

Typical Synopsis Of A Thriller Movie.

This entry will be all about the typical synopsis that you would expect to find when you watch a thriller movie. The first thing we will be looking at is how there is a massive difference between a decetive movie and a thriller and the main difference for this would be that while like in a detective movie they wuold usually be trying to find a killer the aim of a thriller movie would be to get as much terror/horror out of the characters and the audience as would be possible.

Unlike (possibly) other movies thrillers tend to be small and more focused and this means that it is more intimate for the audience and they get more action and again we can make a comparison between the detective genre and the thriller genre as the aim of detective movie would be to make the audience try to solve the murder before the detective, therefore outsmarting him whereas thrillers would make sure that the audience would have a chance to get to know all the characters in the movie, in particular the main character (the hero) and the antagonist in much greater detail and intimacy. However, with the diea that the plot and characters of a thriller are small and constricted means you need to make sure that you have a very good plot to give it the maximum chance of being a successful movie and to make sure that your audience walk away feeling satisfied.

Usually, in a thriller movie the plot would be centered around a mystery that would need to be solved. Another thing that would be used in the typical synopsis of the thriller movie would be the use of cliff hangers and the point of this would be to engage the audience more into the movie and leaving them to ask themselves "what happens next?" and this would be effective not only in media (films) but also in literature.

However, as there are many different sub genres of thriller all of them would have different plots but would be still be a thriller movie.

Horror Thriller:

The Ring (2002)- The plot of the ring resolves around a journalist called Rachel Keller and she is investigating the murder of four teenagers (including her niece) who may have died by watching a videotape. However, there is an urban legend that is attached to this videotape and that is anybody who watches it will die after 7 days, and if this true then Rachel will have to run against time to save not only her life but the life of her son as well.

Adventure Thriller:

The Prestige (2006)- The plot of The Prestige is abuot two magicians at the end of the nineteenth century, in London. Robert Angier and his wife Julia McCullough and Alfred Borden are all friends but that is until Julia accidentally dies in the middle of a performance and Robert blames Alfred for her death and they go on to become not only famous, but rivals as each of them try to sabotage the other. However, when Alfred performs the ultimate illusion Robert becomes obsessed with trying to reveal the secrets of this trick, but with disasterous consequences.

Psychological Thriller:

American Psycho (2000)- The plot of American Psycho is about a man called Patrick Bateman who is well educated, handsome and living the Amercian dream by working in Wall Street. But, this seemingly perfect man has a dark interior as at night he falls into a pit of despair as he experiments with fear and violence.

Spy Thriller:

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)- A year after he was forced into retirement, ex-spy George Smiley is called back by a Cabinet office official when information comes to him that there may be a Soviet spy, a mole, at the very top of the British secret service. Smiley had been forced out along with Control, the head of spy agency, after a disastrous mission in Hungary where a colleague, Jim Prideaux, was shot. It was also an unhealthy time in the secret service, known affectionately by its members as the Circus, with several senior officers having developed a new source of information in the USSR but refusing to share that person's identity. Smiley agrees to return and in the course of his examination learns that the secret secret Soviet source has become the mainstay of the service, one that they soon plan to use to get at US intelligence information. Smiley soon realizes that the Soviets have turned the service inside out.

Action Thriller:

V For Vendetta (2005)- Tells the story of Evey Hammond and her unlikely but instrumental part in bringing down the fascist government that has taken control of a futuristic Great Britain. Saved from a life-and-death situation by a man in a Guy Fawkes mask who calls himself V, she learns a general summary of V's past and, after a time, decides to help him bring down those who committed the atrocities that led to Britain being in the shape that it is in.

Romance Thriller:

Fatal Attraction (1987)- Happily married New York lawyer Dan Callagher has an affair with his colleague Alex, and the two enjoy a love weekend while Dan's wife and kid are away. But Alex will not let go of him, and she will stop at nothing to have him for herself. Just how far will she go to get what she wants?

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